Interventional Radiology Treatment in Kolkata: Treatment of Varicose Veins Using Interventional Radiology



Varicose veins are swollen, twisting, bulging veins beneath the membrane of the thighs. Normal veins have single-way valves that push the blood from the foot to the heart. When the single-way valves no longer work, varicose veins happen, enabling blood to stream through the foot due to gravity effects. The blood is diluted in the veins and the veins dilate with time, leading to symptomatic varices. More specifically, a symptom of prolonged venous failure is a varicose vein and you will require an interventional radiology treatment in Kolkata. This can lead to pulsing leg pains, swelling, leg tiredness, skin changes, blood clots, restless leg syndrome, and venous ulcers if left unchecked.

Who is at risk of chronic vein failure?

Chronic venous failure, irrespective of age, gender or race, can affect anybody. Women over the age of 50 are more likely to show signs and symptoms of vein disease and those who have had infants. The disorder is often inherited and can affect many family members.

Factors that can increase the likelihood of venous failure and varicose veins include:

1) Varicose vein medical history

2) Professions with prolonged standing hours

3) Excess weight.

4) Lack of exercise

What is Endovenous Ablation Therapy for varicose veins?

This minimally invasive technique uses a varicose vein heat-creating procedure using lasers or radio waves. A small cut in the skin around varicose veins is performed by an interventional radiologist and then a small tube called a catheter inserted into the vein. The interior of the vein is heated and closed by a mechanism at the top of the conduit. Interventional radiology treatment in Kolkata is a boon for vein problems.

Dr. Manash Saha has extensive expertise in the treatment of diseases of t
he artery and veins and is exceptional in providing you with the treatment of varicose veins using interventional radiology.




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